Works & Publications


Theses co-supervised @UniTo

  • Implementation of model for the evaluation of the RBE for the therapeutic treatment with hadrons. (2001-2002)
    Maria Carelli

  • Fast simulation of the biological efficiency of therapeutique carbon ion beams with the Krakt-Scholz model. (2002-2003)
    Giuseppe Pittà

  • Calculation of the relative biological effect of carbon ions for treatment planning in hadrontherapy. (2003-2004)
    Cristian Boaretto

  • Simulation of a pixel chamber used as a detector for therapeutique proton beams. (2004-2005)
    Fulvio Tarquini

  • Simulazione del fascio terapeutico di adroni nel sistema di misura e controllo del centro nazionale di adroterapia oncologica. (2005-2006)
    Diana Massai

  • Biological effect study of the fragments in radiotherapy with heavy ion using Monte Carlo simulations. (2006-2007)
    Ilaria Rinaldi

  • Creazione di dati di base per un sistema di pianificazione di trattamento per adroni. (2008)
    Giovanni Nappi

  • Radiobiological DB creation for a treatment planning system in hadrontherapy. (2009)
    Alberto Mittone

  • Simulazione Monte Carlo della distribuzione di dose emessa da un CT in ambito radioprotettivo. (2012)
    Felipe Operti

Theses co-supervised @PoliTo

  • Studio E Applicazione Del Fantoccio Antropomorfo Virtuale Nel Campo Dell' Adroterapia. (2015)
    Matteo Mezzano (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Valutazione Radioprotezionistica Della Distribuzione Di Dose per Una Sala per Tomografia Computerizzata. (2016)
    Matteo Di Gangi (rel. M.De Salve, corel. G.Coppa)

  • Confronto Dei Metodi Di Ottimizzazione Nella Pianificazione Dei Piani Di Trattamento per La Protonterapia. (2017)
    Mattia Rizzon (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Characterization of a Proton Beam Delivery Line with Monte Carlo Simulation. (2018)
    Domenico Nicotra (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Effect of Beam Line Modeling on the Optimization of Treatment Plan in Proton Therapy. (2018)
    Claudia Pardi (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Radiopharmaceuticals Diffusion inside Human Body and Problem Modelling. (2019)
    Mattia Cretoni (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Profiling of Monte Carlo simulations in particle therapy and code optimization strategy. (2020)
    Fabrizio Bello (rel. S.Dulla)

  • Radiobiological calculation for the treatment of patients in the field of FLASH radiotherapy. (2021)
    Antonietta Zema (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Treatment Planning in Proton Therapy using VPatient 3D and Monte Carlo Simulation. (2022)
    Isabel De Pasquale (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Robustness Analysis of Treatment Planning System for Proton Therapy. (2023)
    Michele Raimo (rel. G.Coppa)

  • Modellazione 3D e Digital Twin per Applicazioni Mediche. (2023)
    Clara Calastri (rel.G.Coppa)

Trainings @i-See

  • Geometry standards in medical imaging
    Carlo Donofrio (PoliTo)

  • Data analysis with online applications
    Federico Ledda (PoliTo)


  1. A code for hadrontherapy treatment planning with the voxelscan method. (2000)
    S.Berga, F.Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, J.Derkaoui, B.Gallice, M.Hamal, F.Marchetto, V.Rolando, S.Viscomi. Computers in Biology and Medicine 30 311-327.

  2. Radiation damage studies of a recycling integrator VLSI chip for dosimetry and control of therapeutical beams (2002)
    F.Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, P.G.Degiorgis, M.Donetti, F.Marchetto, M.Marletti, G.Mazza ,C.Peroni, E.Rizzi, C.SanzFreire Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 482 -752-760.

  3. Pixel ionization chamber to monitor conformational treatments with hadron and photon beams. February 2002
    S.Belletti, A.Boriano, F.Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, M.Donetti, B.Ghedi, E.Madon, F.Marchetto, U.Nastasi, C.Peroni, C.J.Sanz Freire, E.Trevisiol. Workshop on radiation dosimetry: basic technologies, medical applications, environmental applications. Physics Series Vol. XXIX (2002), 65-72.

  4. The Magic Cube and the Pixel Ionization Chamber: detectors for monitor and dosimetry of radiotherapy beams. october 2002
    S. Amerio, A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, M. Donetti, E.Garelli, S.Giordanengo, E. Madon, F. Marchetto, U. Nastasi, C. Peroni, A. Sardo, E. Trevisiol.. Presented at the 8th topical seminar on innovative particle and radiation detectors. Siena, Nuclear Physics B (Proceeding Supplement) 125 (2003) 154-158

  5. A pixel chamber to monitor the beam performances in hadrontherapy. (2004)
    R.Bonin, A.Boriano, F.Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, M.Donetti, E.Garelli, S.Giordanengo, F.Marchetto, C.Peroni, C.J.Sanz Freire, L. Simonetti. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 519 (2004) 674-686.

  6. Dosimetric characterization of a large area pixel segmented ionization chamber. February 2004
    S. Amerio, A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, M. Donetti,A. Fidanzio, E.Garelli, S.Giordanengo, E.Madon, F. Marchetto, U. Nastasi, C. Peroni, A. Piermattei, C.J.Sanz Freire, A. Sardo, E. Trevisiol Medical Physics 31 (2), 414-420.

  7. Online measurement of fluence and position for protontherapy beams. Ottobre 2004
    C. Benati, A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, G.A.P. Cirrone, I. Cornelius, G.Cuttone, M. Donetti, E. Garelli, S. Giordanengo, L. Guérin, A. La Rosa, A.Luparia, F. Marchetto, F. Martin, S. Meyroneinc, C. Peroni, G. Pittà, L. Raffaele, M.G. Sabini, L. Valastro. Il Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 27, N. 5, , 529-536.

  8. D-IMRT verification with a 2D pixel ionization chamber: dosimetric and clinical results in head and neck cancer. (2005)
    M.Stasi, S. Giordanengo, R. Cirio, A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, I. Cornelius, M. Donetti, E.Garelli, I. Gomola, F. Marchetto, M. Porzio, C.J. Sanz Freire, A. Sardo, C. Peroni, Physics in Medicine and Biology 50 4681-4694.

  9. A method for the inter-calibration of a matrix of detectors. (2006)
    M. Donetti, E. Garelli, F. Marchetto, A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, I.Cornelius, S. Giordanengo, A.La Rosa, U. Nastasi, C. Peroni. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51 485-495.

  10. Two-dimensional and quasi-three-dimensional dosimetry of hadron and photon beams with the Magic Cube and the Pixel Ionization Chamber. (2004)
    S.Amerio, A.Boriano, F.Bourhaleb, R.Cirio, G.Coutrakon, M.Donetti, E.Garelli, S.Giordanengo, P.Koss, E.Madon, F.Marchetto, U.Nastasi, C.Peroni, D.Santuari, A.Sardo, R.Schulte, G.Scielzo, M.Stasi, E.Trevisiol. Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 -3713-3724

  11. First results of the MOPI pixel ionization chamber used as beam monitor at the Institut Curie - Centre de Protonthérapie d’Orsay (ICPO). (2005)
    A. La Rosa, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, M. Donetti, M.A. Garella, S. Giordanengo, N. Givehchi, S. Iliescu, B. Le Gall, F. Marchetto, F. Martin, S. Meyroneinc, C. Peroni, G. Pittà. presentation at the 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting Lisbon - Portugal, 24-29 September 2005. Radiotherapy & Oncology Volume 76 Supplement 2 N. 464.

  12. On-line monitoring of the CATANA protontherapy beam with the strip ionization chamber MOPI. (2005)
    A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, M. Donetti, M.A. Garella, S. Giordanengo, N.Givechi, A. La Rosa, A. Luparia, F. Marchetto, C. Peroni, G. Pitta’, L. Raffaele, M.G. Sabini, L. Valastro. 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting Lisbon - Portugal, 24-29 September 2005. Radiotherapy & Oncology Volume 76 Supplement 2 N. 121.

  13. Preliminary results with a strip ionization chamber used as beam monitor for hadrontherapy treatments. (2006)
    A. Boriano, F. Bourhaleb, R. Cirio, G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, M. Donetti, E.Garelli, S. Giordanengo, A. Luparia, F. Marchetto, C. Peroni, L. Raffaele, M.G.Sabini, L. Valastro Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, volume 150, 326-329.

  14. Treatment planning comparison of Photon, Proton and Carbon Ion therapy in Head and Neck Cancer. April 2007
    Marco Krengli, Faiza Bourhaleb, Luca Cozzi, Gianfranco Loi, Antonella Fogliata, Debora Beldì, Giorgia Nicolini, Alessandro Clivio, Marco Dominietto, Maria Chiara Bassi, Roberto Orecchia. Proceeding of the Symposium zum Thema Präzisionsstrahlentherapie, Sopron Austria.

  15. A treatment planning code for inverse planning and 3D optimization in hadrontherapy. September 2008
    F. Bourhaleb, F. Marchetto, A. Attili, G. Pitta, R. Cirio, M. Donetti, S. Giordanengo, N. Givehchi, S. Iliescu, M. Krengli, A. La Rosa, D. Massai, A. Pecka, J. Pardo, C. Peroni. Computers in Biology and Medicine volume38, issue 9.

  16. Monte Carlo simulations of ripple filters designed for proton and carbon ion beams in hadrontherapy with active scanning technique.
    F. Bourhaleb, A Attili, R. Cirio, P. Cirrone, F. Marchetto, M. Donetti, M. Garella, S. Giordanengo, N. Givehchi, S. Iliescu A. La Rosa, J.Pardo, A.Pecka,C.Peroni. Journal of physics : Conference series April, 2008

  17. Heuristic optimization of the scanning path of particle therapy beams. (2009)
    J. Pardo, M. Donetti, F. Bourhaleb, A. Ansarinejad, A. Attili, R. Cirio, M.A. Garella, S. Giordanengo, N. Givehchi, A. La Rosa, F. Marchetto, V. Monaco, A. Pecka, C. Peroni, G. Russo, R. Sacchi. Medical Physics 36 2043-2051.

  18. Monte Carlo simulations of heavy ion beams in treatment planning with GEANT4 and radiobiological evaluation of the effect of fragments.
    F. Bourhaleb, A.Attili, G. Russo, R.Cirio, S. Giordanengo, F. Marchetto, V. Monaco, C. Peroni, R. Sacchi, E. Schmitt. Proceeding of the Second European Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning 2009 (MCTP2009), October 2009, Cardiff, UK.

  19. Chapter title: Monte Carlo Simulations for Beam Delivery Line Design in Radiation Therapy with Heavy Ion Beams. Book title:Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Medicine and Other Fields of Science
    F. Bourhaleb, A. Attili and G. Russo InTech Publisher 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-427-6.

  20. Performances of the scanning system for the CNAO center of oncological hadron therapy, February 2010,
    Giordanengo S., Donetti M., Marchetto F., Ansarinejad A., Attili A., Bourhaleb F., Burini F., Cirio R., Fabbricatore P., Voelker F., Garella M. A., Incurvati M., Monaco V., Pardo-Montero J., Peroni C., Russo G., Sacchi R., Taddia G., & Zampieri A.,
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 613(2), 317–322.

  21. Analysis of the reliability of the local effect model for the use in carbon ion treatment planning systems, December 2010,
    Russo G., Attili A., Bourhaleb F., Marchetto F., Peroni C., Schmitt E., & Bertrand D.,
    Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 143(2-4):497-502.

  22. Online beam monitoring in the treatment of ocular pathologies at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud-Catania, January 2011,
    Givehchi N., Marchetto F., Valastro L. M., Ansarinejad A., Attili A., Garella M. A., Giordanengo S., Monaco V., Montero J. P., Sacchi R., Boriano A., Bourhaleb F., Cirio R., La Rosa A., Pecka A., Peroni C., Cirrone G. A. P., Cuttone G., Donetti M., Raffaele L.,
    Physica Medica, 27(4), 233–240.

  23. Monte Carlo Simulations for Beam Delivery Line Design in Radiation Therapy with Heavy Ion Beams, February 2011,
    Bourhaleb F., Attili A., & Russo G.,
    Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Medicine and Other Fields of Science, 143(2-4):497-502, Epub 2010 Dec 3, Source InTech.

    Bourhaleb F., Attili A., Russo G., & Mas Milian F.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 143(2-4):497-502, 102, S129.

  25. Dose Delivery system at CNAO, May 2012,
    Donetti M., Ansarinejad A., Bourhaleb Faiza, Capasso L., Cirio R. Ciocca M., Garella M., Giordanengo Simona, Hosseini M.A., Lavagno M., Marchetto Flavio, Mazza G., Mirandolla A., Pardo-Montero Juan, Pecka A., Peroni Cristiana, Sacchi R., Zamperi A.,
    Conference: 51th Annual metting of PTCOG, At: Essen-Germany.

  26. 26: PlanIt: Planning Ion therapy open platform for treatment plans testing and comparing. Radiotherapy and Oncology, February 2014,
    Bourhaleb F., Dalmasso F., Attili A., Milian F. M., & Russo G.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110, S13–S14.

  27. 12: Impact of uncertainties in ion beam therapy on the optimality of irradiation condition and fractionation schedule, February 2014,
    Attili A., Bourhaleb F., Svanetti A., Casale M., Bottigliengo D., Mas Milian F., Russo G., Kraan A., Marchetto F., & Cirio R. ,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110, S5–S6.

  28. 11: Direct evaluation of ion beam radiobiological parameters from clinical data: an alternative approach to the RBE, February 2014,
    Attili A., Cometto A., Russo G., Bourhaleb F., Marchetto F., Giordanengo S., & Cirio R.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110, S5.

  29. 27: Augmented Reality tools for particle therapy facilities, February 2014,
    Bourhaleb F., & Petrone G.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110, S14.

  30. Direct evaluation of radiobiological parameters from clinical data in the case of ion beam therapy: an alternative approach to the relative biological effectiveness, November 2014,
    Cometto A., Russo G., Bourhaleb F., Milian, F. M. Giordanengo, S. Marchetto, F. Cirio, R., & Attili A.,
    Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(23), 7393–7417.

  31. The CNAO dose delivery system for modulated scanning ion beam radiotherapy, Jaunuary 2015,
    Giordanengo S., Garella, M. A., Marchetto F., Bourhaleb F., Ciocca M., Mirandola A., Monaco V., Hosseini M. A., Peroni C., Sacchi R., Cirio R., & Donetti M.,
    Medical Physics, 42(1), 263–275.

  32. EP-1481: A treatment planning study of the clinical optimality of ion beam therapy with different ions in presence of hypoxia, March 2015,
    Attili A., Torriani F., Mingioni C., Russo G., Dalmasso F., Giordanengo S., Bourhaleb F., Battistoni G., Marchetto F., & Cirio R.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 115, S804–S805.

  33. A novel algorithm for the calculation of physical and biological irradiation quantities in scanned ion beam therapy: the beamlet superposition approach, December 2015,
    Russo G., Attili A., Battistoni G., Bertrand D., Bourhaleb F., Cappucci F., Ciocca M., Mairani A., Milian F. M., Molinelli S., Morone M. C., Muraro S., Orts T., Patera V., Sala P., Schmitt E., Vivaldo G., & Marchetto F.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 115, S804–S805.

  34. Augmented reality supporting innovation and accuracy in advanced radiation therapy facilities, February 2016,
    Spoto S., Bourhaleb F., & Petrone G.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 118, S97.

  35. Investigation on novel solution for a positioning system in protontherapy, February 2016,
    Bourhaleb F., Prisco R., Dimiccoli V., Dalmasso F., Attili A., Menghi E., & Russo G.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 118, S13.

  36. Investigation of the use of inhomogeneous fractional dose distributions in IMPT to improve the therapeutic index, February 2016,
    Manganaro L., Russo G., Dalmasso F., Milian F. M., Bourhaleb F., Cirio R., & Attili A.,
    Radiotherapy and Oncology, 118, S69.

  37. Web-interfaced Monte Carlo simulation for quality assurance in radiation therapy, February 2016,
    Dalmasso F., Bourhaleb F., Russo G., Franza N., Spoto S., & Attili A.,
    Physica Medica, 32, 18.

  38. Investigation on novel solution for a positioning system in protontherapy, February 2016,
    Bourhaleb F., Prisco R., Dimiccoli V., Dalmasso F., Attili A., Menghi E., & Russo G.,
    ICTR-PHE 2016, At: CERN, Geneve.

  39. Survival’: a simulation toolkit introducing a modular approach for radiobiological evaluations in ion beam therapy, March 2018,
    Manganaro L., Russo G., Bourhaleb F., Fausti F., Giordanengo S., Monaco V., Sacchi R., Vignati A., Cirio R., & Attili A. ,
    Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63(8), 08NT01.

  40. An investigation to find out an agile positioning solution for fixed beam in protontherapy, September 2020,
    Project: ERHA: Enhanced Radiotherapy with HAdrons,
    Bourhaleb F., Prisco R., Cretoni M., Mazzone M., Tabasso M., & Pardi C.,
    Conference: ECMP 2020, At: Turin.

  41. Innovative robotic-arms positioning system for a gantryless solution in protontherapy, October 2020,
    Project: ERHA PROJECT,
    Bourhaleb F., Prisco R., Cretoni M., Mazzone M., Tabasso M., & Pardi C.,
    Conference: Airo2020.

    Project: ERHA PROJECT,
    Bourhaleb F., Prisco R., Cretoni M., Mazzone M., Tabasso M., & Pardi C.,

  43. Towards harmonizing clinical linear energy transfer (LET) reporting in proton radiotherapy: a European multi-centric study, October 2022,
    Project: INSPIRE,
    Christian Hahn, Jakob Ödén, Alexandru Dasu, Anne Vestergaard, Maria Fuglsang Jensen, Olga Sokol, Claudia Pardi, Faiza Bourhaleb, Amélia Leite, Ludovic de Marzi, Edward Smith, Adam Aitkenhead, Christopher Rose, Michael Merchant, Karen Kirkby, Leszek Grzanka, Jörg Pawelke, Armin Lühr,